CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Kristin Gudjonsdottir Location: Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have been dealing with breast cancer since 2001. I had TAC chemo in the spring, radiation this summer and is now on Hercepting that is not too hard on the body. So now I am trying to get my immune system to come up again to get rid of by it self any cancer if there is any left. If it is possible to focus on allerting the killer cells that would be great or focusing on detoxing the body so the cells of the body can start to function better. My lowest chakra points seem to be often no 2-3. If you have any pointers for me how I can help myself. I recently took a reiki 1 class at the cornucopia house (cancer center) but is not sure how to get the most out of what I have learned.

Thank you for offerning your service.


- 26-novembro-2004 / 3:08:47
Name: Nancy Elizabeth Watt Location: Stouffville Ontario Canada

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Carpal tunnel syndrome and RSI in my right arm and shoulder - weakness, highly irritating pain in wrist (carpal tunnel), forearm, the muscle above the bicep on the outside of the arm (triceps), and pains all through my shoulder and underam and pectoral muscles, often complicating with neck pain particularly on the right side and down the spine between my wings (trapezius muscles?)

- 26-novembro-2004 / 2:33:29

Favor incluir na leu:

Nome; Paula Gonçalves Data Nascimento: 28/06/1976 Cidade: Montenegro Motivo: conflitos, vida mal resolvida, muita dúvida em relação aos caminhos a serem tomados.

Muita luz, paz e principalmente amor,

Cristiane Souza Tain

<"Tainá Souza" <>>
- 26-novembro-2004 / 2:31:13
Name: Rose(a cat) Location: Hyde Park, UT

Presenting Complaint -------------------- She is recovering from a stroke

- 26-novembro-2004 / 2:27:32

Name: Lori Warren Location: Logan, UT

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Shoulder and arm pain. Headaches

- 26-novembro-2004 / 2:26:27
Name: Marlowe Location: Logan, UT

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Partial paralysis from stroke. Also bad eyesight

- 26-novembro-2004 / 2:22:29
Happy Day Before Thanksgiving!

It's the day before Thanksgiving and I have been running around and got the house all clean. Then we watched the new Harry Potter Movie last night! (Loved it!) I went to the store and finished getting all my Thanksgiving stuff. One of my son's friends who doesn't have a family to go to on the Holidays is coming to enjoy Thanksgiving meal with us, and other friends and family are going to come or stop by too.

My neighbor, Dee Dee, next door has all her family and friends also coming from Oregon and such. She is busy cleaning too (and borrowed my new vacume.. hers is broke.) And she started cooking already!

We also shampooed my carpets, which is what we usually do around this time each year. I get up early and start the turkey, then a couple hours before it's done, get the rest prepared. My pumpkin pies and whip cream are all ready to eat! Going to have green beans with spices and mushroom soup on top and the cruncy french fries for one of my casseroles. I also do the stuffing, a nice big green salade, mashed potatoes and gravy, jellied cranberry sauce, mixed vegetables, rolls, etc.. Going to have left overs for ages to make hot turkey sandwhiches, or turkey soups, and more!!

So what is everyone else making? I was thinking of all that I am thankful for even now. I am thankful for God, Family and Friends like you all! I am thankful I am alive and while I am sick, still able to get around places. I am thankful for all my blessings. My kids and grandchild are all healthy and strong.

Oh, wanted to tell you all, last night, my neighbor Maryanne came home from UC Davis. She is only in her 30's and lived downstairs from me, to the right for the past 8 years. She is so sweet and all of us knows one another. She was only about 120 pounds before she got this cancer. She finally came home from the hospital yesterday. She came home last night. Mary was outside. I don't allow smoking in my house so have comfortable chairs and side tables on my front porch and back decks. And Ashtrays for smokers. Anyhow, Mary was talking to some folks from work, and I could hear her talking on the phone. She almost sounded like she was almost crying, then she came inside. Maryanne's family had just drove up. My daughter said, "Momma, she doesn't even look like herself! She looks like walking death. She weighs about 70 pounds, no hair, looks out of it. Her sons, ages 11 and 15, tried to carry her since she couldn't hardly walk she was so weak. Momma, my feeling is she may not have long to live, unless things turn around. What about her kids? What about her boys? How horrible for them!!!" My daughter came in the house quickly and cried in here and telling me these things.

Maryanne is such a sweet lady. Please everyone, pray she gains weight and gets well. Light some candles for her healing and more.

I wish all of you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!! My love and Hugs to all of you!

Lots of Love,

Sandy Abernathy

- 26-novembro-2004 / 2:16:18
Olá, > Obrigado a todos. > Tenho-me sentido um pouco melhor nestes dias, pedia-vos no entanto para > enviarem mais um pouco. > Obrigado > Hugo

- 26-novembro-2004 / 1:56:41
Nome: Amanda de Sousa Cabral Idade: 23 anos Cidade: Rio de Janeiro

Gostaria de receber o tratamento de Reiki à distancia. Vou tentar fazer uma síntese do que tenho sentido ultimamente. Tenho constantemente terríveis sensações de angústia. Não consigo dormir bem durante a noite, pois frequentemente perco o sono, e fico lembrando de acontecimentos desagradáveis e traumáticos do passado, que eu rapidamente me esforço por esquecer, mas é muito difícil. Gostaria de simplesmente esquecer tudo que me causa dor, pois é só o que posso fazer diante de circunstancias que eu não posso vencer ou mudar. Sinto também grande desanimo em relação a tudo na vida. Não tenho vontade de sair de casa. Só saio para ir ao trabalho e para a faculdade, pois não me sinto bem socialmente. Sempre fui tímida, de poucos amigos, mas ultimamente me distanciei ainda mais das pessoas. Gostaria de pedir ajuda, qualquer ajuda é fundamental para mim, pois não suporto mais viver desse jeito. Desde já agradeço a atenção Amanda

- 26-novembro-2004 / 1:41:04
Olá companheiros, > > Me encontro muito melhor de animo, com uma paz e tranquilidade > interior muito grande. Também estou recuperada das inflamaçoes > localizadas que me surgiram. > Muito obrigada por esta energia tao especial que recebí nestes dias. > Um abraço de Luz â todos, > Marilza.

- 26-novembro-2004 / 1:37:03
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