CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Margaret Anne Freeman Location: Connahs Quay, North Wales UK

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Am suffering from a chest Virus. Very painful cough and sore throat. This apart, for the last 20 years have been struggling with deep depression with all it's attendant problems. Also chronic back pain which seems tied in with cystitis and migraines. I would be so grateful if you could send me some Reiki healing as I am struggling financially and cannot pay just now for treatment. I have been to a practitioner in the past when I could afford it and obtained relief esp. when done at a distance - I am on tranquilisers and the sessions relaxed me more than they can. Thank you so much for providing this service. Margie.

- 25-novembro-2004 / 2:09:12
Name: María Inés Capria Location: Buenos Aires Argentina

- 25-novembro-2004 / 2:07:50
Name: Celia Guillermina D'Auria Location: Buenos Aires Argentina

- 25-novembro-2004 / 2:03:11
Por favor, peço para incluir na leu:

Nome: André Abreu Fraga Data nasc.: 16/12/1967 Porto Alegre

Motivo: Muita ansiedade em relação ao seu trabalho.


Luz e paz, Cristiane Souza Tain

<"Tainá Souza" <>>
- 25-novembro-2004 / 1:59:35

Name: Maria Gabriela Peña Location: Ecuador

Presenting Complaint -------------------- loneliness, sadness, uncertainity, anxiety, stress, fatige.

- 25-novembro-2004 / 1:56:13
Name: Veronica Allall Location: Rosario

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Depresion, desequilibrio hormonal, strees.

- 25-novembro-2004 / 1:54:53
Name: Karan Kaul Location: New Delhi, India

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Stuttering, stammering especially when saying my own name on the phone and sometimes in person. It started in my early 20s and i feel it is linked to some psychological problem. It gets better or worse at random times. Please Help! Thank You

- 25-novembro-2004 / 1:51:11
Gostaria de pedir a vcs que enviassem reiki para mim e para a minha noiva, pois ambos estamos meios ansiosos e nervosos com as provas da faculdade que estão por vir.

Marcelo Charles da Silva - 15-06-1979 - RJ Hérica de Medeiros Stuti - 20-12-1982 - RJ

Agradeço a todos vcs

Abraços iluminados.

<"Marcelo Charles da Silva" <>>
- 25-novembro-2004 / 1:39:21

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Back pain

- 25-novembro-2004 / 1:31:58
Name: Debbie Location: Coral Springs

Presenting Complaint -------------------- rhuemtoid arthritis

- 25-novembro-2004 / 1:24:34
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