CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Mauro Costa Fernandes Location: Lisbon Portugal

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I'm am constantly having bad dreams. I either sleep too much or don't sleep at all and I'm constantly tired

- 24-novembro-2004 / 1:03:25
Aceito reiki e karuna. Meu nome completo é : Antonio Carlos Wallace Duncan Junior e a data de nascimento é 04/11/1944. Moro em Niterói. Carcinoma, em tratamento. Beijinhos Antonio

<"Guiomar Vilan" <> >
- 24-novembro-2004 / 0:44:36
Name: Leigh Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Gastrointestinal distress due to educational and life stressors.

- 23-novembro-2004 / 3:30:20
Name: Sheree Location: Australia

Presenting Complaint -------------------- relax in social situations and feel happy and confident just being who I am.

Relax a little more

having self confidence and feeling great self worth

keeping healthy and not reverting to bad habits


I would love your feed back on your healing if possible.. muchly appreciated.

- 23-novembro-2004 / 3:06:52

olá Meu nome é Marcia Rodrigues Teodoro , nasci em 05/01/1977, moro em Porto Alegre/RGS/Brasil.

O melhor horário para o recebimento é as 20hs e 23hs.

Agradeço a vc’s pela ajuda.

Deus os abençoe


<"Marcinha" <> >
- 23-novembro-2004 / 2:36:14
Favor incluir na Leu:

Nome: Vanda Inês da Silva Pazos Data nasc.: 29/11/1965 Cidade: Brasília Problema: Depressão

<"Tainá Souza" <>>
- 23-novembro-2004 / 1:56:02
Name: Raina Barnes Graham Location: Sloane Kettering Hospital New York, NY

Presenting Complaint -------------------- My cousin was hospitalized two weeks ago with complications from breast cancer. She was on pain medication which left her with low blood pressure and dehyration. However, the doctors gave her a bone scan and found cancer in her bone marrow. I have watched her increasingly get worse since being hospitalized. She is now on oxygen and she cannot eat because she has no saliva. Everything is too dry to taste. She has a lot of pain in her body. She just wants to sleep. This is a 58 year old woman who was full of life and very vibrant. Please pray for my cousin who I grew up with and have loved all my life.

- 23-novembro-2004 / 1:54:12
Name: naomi mcintosh Location: sydney australia

Presenting Complaint -------------------- polycystic ovaries

- 23-novembro-2004 / 1:50:37
Name: Kyra Price

- 23-novembro-2004 / 1:49:33
Name: monica Location: minot, nd

Presenting Complaint -------------------- depression

- 23-novembro-2004 / 1:46:46
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