CÍRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 1 Guest Book

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Bom dia a todos Gostaria de pedir que colocassem em suas caixinhas o nome de ELZA CRISTI - cidade de Jundiai Motivo - Enfarte Obrigada a todos Tânia

"Tânia" <taniasilvestre1@ig.com.br>
- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:59:17
Name: Annamarie Louw Location: Pretoria North South Africa

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Good Day to all

I am a reiki master myself and I would like you to do distant healing for me in South Africa, because I need to understand why my children are using "DRUGS". I need as much support and healing as I can get, to understand why they do it. Please send all your support and love and light to me.

All in Laove and Light

Annamarie Louw

- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:56:41
Name: Shari Preston Location: CA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I was awakened this morning with excruciating throat pain - I think it's the tonsils - and I sing ina church daily for a living - help me find the root cause metaphysically so I can heal plase


- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:53:45
I have had COPD for 13 years. It is a disease of the lungs caused by smoking. I can only walk about 15 feet before becoming winded. I have to do everything in small manageable stages.I can't enjoy any of my out of home activites. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Denney L. Rush

"denney_fl" <hypnoticgoods@aol.com>
- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:51:11

Agradeço a todos os irmãos de luz que seja enviada energia a

Fernanda portugal ferreira marques 29.06.1952 mora em cascais portugal

Vitor Manuel Leote Pereira da Cunha 30.06.1949

Serias dificuldades financeiras que podem levar á miseria e a justiça. Depressão e medo



"fernanda portugal" <fportugal@netcabo.pt>
- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:47:19
Name: Jason Location: Michigan

Presenting Complaint -------------------- chronic pain and severe depression caused by side effects of kidney transplant surgery and immunosuppressant medication. Any boost to his immune system could cause rejection of his transplanted kidney, but he's constantly sick and has intense pain in his legs and feet, and he's horribly depressed and talking about not being sure how much more he can take. Some days he just doesn't get out of bed.

- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:44:49
Name: Megan Location: St. Louis

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Crohn's disease, acute flare up. Intense intestinal cramping, ulceration, inflamation.

- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:43:12
Name: Anthony and Alia Location: Ottawa, Canada

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Anthony has Ewing's Sarcoma in his shoulder, femur, one vertebrae, 2 ribs, and lungs. We are trying to get through this together and we really need some positive healing energy.. this has been such a devastation. Thank you.

- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:39:56
Name: Houtan Location: Toronto

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Hi,

This request is for my mother who is fighting with cancer .Please help her.

She is in Washington DC right now and she is 54.Her name is Parvaneh.

Thanks Houtan

- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:35:12
Name: Gloria Webber Location: Pacific, Washington USA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I've had a recent surgery to my left knee. It was arthoscopic surgery to repair a meniscal tear, and the surgeon also found some badly damaged cartilage. I can walk on it fine now, but the bruising and the sore ligaments are driving me nuts!! Please help!

- 27-outubro-2004 / 16:32:47
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