CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Husein Shamsudin Location: Mombasa Kenya

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have some pains in the lower back and have tried exercises and medication but no luck is acheived as yet. The pain sometimes drives down my left leg too. I feel more pain when my bladder is full or when I tend to get constipated.

I need relief from this pain... I am tired.

- 20-novembro-2004 / 0:50:50
Name: Jenny Wright Location: Murrieta, California

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Negative energy coming at me from people. I am feeling anxious yet drained.

- 19-novembro-2004 / 1:47:45
Name: Khryssi Theodoridis Location: Brisbane, Australia

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder which seems to be triggered by chemicals in the environment (car fumes, house paints, newspaper printers ink etc etc) The symptoms are too numerous to list and include: Chronic fatigue,aches and pains depression, apathy, interspersed with anger and rage at myself. My main concern is the 'foggy mind' which prevents me from doing much more than reading or watching TV. I am having medical and naturopathic treatment as well as psychotherapy.

I would apreciate your help through Reiki hdistance healing. Many thanksin advance to you all. Khryssi

- 19-novembro-2004 / 1:45:20
Amigos queridos, peço que coloquem em suas caixas

Marcelo Carvalho Fernandes 02/01/1969 Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil

O quadro de depressão, culpa e auto-piedade já estava grave, ainda mais com o alcoolismo, mas agora ele fala em "suicídio para começar tudo de novo".

Quem não puder mandar reiki, mas puder rezar pedindo por ajuda, eu agradeço, porque não sei mais o que fazer.

Do fundo do meu coração, obrigada a todos.


< "Isis Mota" <>>
- 19-novembro-2004 / 1:44:19

Name: Dina Mendoza Location: California

Presenting Complaint -------------------- both of my legs

- 19-novembro-2004 / 1:32:41
Name: Pam Location: High Falls, NY

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I am going through alot right now. - stress, anxiety,.. I am going through a breakup with a lover (Scott Michael Hallock) of 7+ years, up until recently we were maintaining a friendship, however outsiders are trying to muddle that up good. I am requesting reiki to help calm and ease my nerves, work through the emotional pain regarding betrayal and deception, assist with building my self esteem, help me to loose the weight I have put on due to stress... and to send protection to protect me & my son Alerik from those who are working behind the scenes to harm us with ill will. On a final afterthought, healing to send strength to me physically, mentally & emotionally would be helpful as well, so that I may smoothly & victoriously rise above all the hurt, pain, negativity & ill will directed at me at this time. Thank you so very very much Love & Light & Blessed Be Pam

- 19-novembro-2004 / 1:30:46
Olá a todos a todos do grupo! Gostaria de pedir se puderiam acrescentar ás vossas caixinhas de reiki o seguinte nome:

Domingos Manuel Rodrigues Velez 27/12/1966 Situação: Processo judicial

Desde já agradeço pela vossa ajuda. Abraços repletos de luz Silvia

<"silvia" <>>
- 19-novembro-2004 / 1:14:41
Name: neil tucker Location: monroe nc

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Ongoing kidney stone and leg pain right side. Doctor wants to do fusion on my spine but Reiki has helped, now I have a kidney stone and cannot do much. Please help. Also gallstones. I have been out of work for two years and I cant stand the pain of the kidney stone on top of back and leg problems.

- 19-novembro-2004 / 1:13:42
Name: Dawn and Duane Location: Kansas

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Hello,

I just received an email from one of my friends in Kansas. Her husband Duane is undergoing a series of eye surgeries to correct a hemorhhage in both eyes, and with this comes a host of other conditions that they are discovering. He is poorly responding to diabetic medication to the point that he can not hold down food, has migraines and body shakes, and no energy. At first they thought it was a flu type condition but the doctor says otherwise. He seems to be getting worse and not better...

His prognosis thus far, though i hate to put it in print bec it can manifest quicker to acknowledge, is not good..they do not expect full vision to be restored and even if everything else they find can be recovered, the damage seens to have been done. There is a good chance of blindness in one eye, but again i do not know how good that chance really is..

Since he is not able to work much lately and runs his own business, they have had to hire more help, and also extra people in her business as well since she needs to drive him to appointments, take care of him when needed, and they have fallen behind on their rent and are getting to the point where they have not enough money to pay for their heat which will make them rely on their fireplace and many blankets...

Dawn (my friend) is under an enormous amount of stress, and has a hard time handling this by herself. She is trying not to alarm their respective families, but is asking if anybody can help send some healing their way.

Thank you so much to everyone, and I hope we will be able to help them get enough energy to deal with this situation.


- 19-novembro-2004 / 1:12:07
Name: Jai Location: Bangalore

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Stress.

- 19-novembro-2004 / 1:00:29
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