CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Amigos, Acabo de receber um pedido muito especial e gostaria de repassar. O pequeno Vinicius nasceu com menos de 7 meses e esta' na UTI de um hospital em Manaus, pesando 1.5Kg. com infeccao no intestino. A mae, amiga da minha filha, pede nossa ajuda! Nome: VINICIUS HONORATO NASC: 5/11/04 LOCAL: Manaus, AM Juntos, agradecemos! Silvia Mulvaney

< "Silvia Simas Mulvaney" <>>
- 18-novembro-2004 / 0:06:33
Name: Melissa Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Heartache/sadness over a partner leaving and associated feeligns of loneliness and adequateness. Looking for the streanght to move on and realise my own selfworth (acheiving an independace away from needing someone to be complete).

- 18-novembro-2004 / 0:03:56
Name: JV Location: Fairfax, VA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Recently in a car accident that caused a concussion, severe back pain, loss of memory, and loss of sensation in arms. Would like your assistance in improving and healing these conditions.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

- 18-novembro-2004 / 0:03:03
Name: Becky Brewington Location: SPRINGFIELD OH

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have a autoimmune disease calles sjorgens syndrome, but the most important problem i have at the moment is im a minster and i got a psyhic fair on sun this one , and i caught a virus and lost my voice thanks. becca

< >
- 17-novembro-2004 / 23:57:26

Name: Michelle S. Location: Fair Oaks, PA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I wish to surrender my worries, take things less personally, and to release the control of my ego in situations that arise.

I wish to have more focus and better concentration for the here-and-now moments in life. I wish for this to flow into the area of my life that results in organization in my house and workplace, allowing my space to be clutter free and beautiful.

I wish to replace my "fault-finding" thinking with positive energy, creating happiness, humor and a carefree attitude.

I wish to think less about "why things happen the way they do" and be more action centered based on a clean sense of intuition and self-confidence of who I am & what I want.

I wish for healthy friendships to flow into my life and the courage to express myself in a way that honors me and the other person.

I wish for patience, to know I am where I am meant to be and to feel the peace which comes from a deeper connection with God.

(Thank you for your help and positive energy!)

- 17-novembro-2004 / 23:55:54
Michelle Austin tx

To be healed from upper respiratory infection (bronchitis?)

Thank you.

- 17-novembro-2004 / 23:53:01
Olá pessoal, gostaria de acrescentar meu nome à lista de pedido de reiki, pois estou com o ciático inflamado e suspeita de hérnia de disco. Entrei de licença médica e vou começar fisioteraria, para ver se melhora a dores na lombar e na perna direita. Se alguem puder me ajudar com alguma indicação terapeutica, agradeço antecipadamente

Abraços reikianos

Fátima Arilda da Silveira - 19/10/54 Brasília - DF

<"Fátima Arilda da Silveira" <>>
- 17-novembro-2004 / 23:51:39

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Marjorie Edith Greaves had a major stroke on 20th Oct 2004. She is unable to speak proper words. She is unable to swallow food. She is unable to vacate wastes. Her right arm is incapacitated. Her understanding is limited.

I would be grateful for your blessing upon her and your calling for illumination within her mind concerning the cause of her stroke. My name is Ian Greaves, the son of Marjorie who is currently in hospital and will have a small stomach operation next week.I write this request on her behalf. I would love to hear her speak once again even if only vaguely so to communicate.

Thankyou very much for your service.

God's Blessings Ian Greaves

- 17-novembro-2004 / 23:49:04
Name: Andrew Terwiel Location: Town of Oakura inTaranaki, New Zealand

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Hello,

Please help me with skin disorders and depression/anxiety/stress. I have acne and dermatitis.

Thank you very much, Andrew

- 17-novembro-2004 / 23:47:51
Estou recebendo seus e-mails via web porque estou entrando de férias e ficarei um tempo fora em razão de um projeto pessoal. Recebi hoje a notícia de que os exames do meu tio acusaram problemas de saúde e serão refeitos, considerando que um deles é bastante grave (leucemia). Minha mãe está muito abalada, pois ele é o único irmão. Quero pedir que vocês nos ajudem enviando Reiki para ele. Eu acredito em milagres. NOME: MARIO CEZAR CRUZ DATA DE NACIMENTO: 04/12/1934 NATURAL DE: TEFÉ (AM)

Obrigada a todos vocêse até breve.


<"Mrcleao" <>>
- 17-novembro-2004 / 23:45:58
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