CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Kerry David Location: Gladstone, Missouri

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I am working in a 12 step program for my addictions to alcohol and drugs. I have been sober a year and a half but have just began working with AA. I ask that I start to feel peace in my life for the first time.Remove my fears, and heal me. I am also in the midst of trying to work out relationship issues with my boyfriend (we have seperatated)and I feel many of our problems stem from my not having worked on some issues with self.. not attending 12 step meetings(he is 6 years sober, and active in 12 step programs)Much of what holds us back in our relationship is fear.underneath all of that is a deep love and respect from one another.I ask for healing for us in our relationship, so that we can begin to build upon a new sense of self love, and from that, we can try to build a life together again. His name is Andrew Murdoch, and he lives in Glasgow Scotland. He is also going through treatment for hepetitus C.. He is getting better, but I ask and pray that God watches over him, and takes this disease from him.I ask that God remove these blocks, the fear, and heal us and our relationship.

- 17-novembro-2004 / 1:29:08
Name: susan Location: Chicago

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I'm 43 and have tried to have a baby and had infertility problems for 3.5 years. Any help is appreciated and I thank you.

- 17-novembro-2004 / 1:28:06
Marcelo Rodrigues dos Santos - DN: 10/11/1980 Bairro: Arvore Grande Cidade/UF: Sorocaba/SP fissuras no intestino grosso

<"Silvia MRR (uol)" <>>
- 17-novembro-2004 / 1:27:04
Name: Jenny Bell Location: Australia

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Tinnitus

- 17-novembro-2004 / 1:23:43

Name: Michelle Ream Location: Wetsskiwin, AB, Canada

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have many. Overwieght. I am sad and depressed because of that. I feel lost at times and don't like myself. No guidance it seems like. I seem to be out of control and would like to have my life in control and make good decisions.

- 17-novembro-2004 / 1:22:12
Name: Anurag Jain Location: India, New Delhi

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have stomach disorders, concentration problem, hair falling.

- 17-novembro-2004 / 1:20:12
Name: padmavathi Location: india

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Sir,

I also belong to reiki family & I want you to please do reiki for the improvement of mental power and strength of my children who are aged 12 years & 8 years.

Thank u sir

- 17-novembro-2004 / 1:14:02
Name: Stella Cingola Location: Cyprus

Presenting Complaint -------------------- my daughter Olivia, 8 years old, has suffered from eczema since she was a baby. it is especially bad behind her knees, inflamed broken skin, sometimes she cant bend them or walk properly and wakes up several times a night due to itching and discomfort. she is convinced that god hates her because he gave her eczema.

- 17-novembro-2004 / 1:04:12
Name: subhashree Location: india

Presenting Complaint -------------------- i get lots of angry and i dont have positive attitude i always feel frustrated and iam lazy also i feel my self so waste why is it like that please help me out

- 17-novembro-2004 / 0:50:52
Name: subhashree Location: india

Presenting Complaint -------------------- i get lots of angry and i dont have positive attitude i always feel frustrated and iam lazy also i feel my self so waste why is it like that please help me out

- 17-novembro-2004 / 0:40:48
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