CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Tina George Location: North Island, New Zealand

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Ache in left shoulder, around the deltoid. A little general loneliness and too much on my mind. A bit of a loss at the moment.

- 17-novembro-2004 / 0:37:29
Name: Joanna Gibosn Location: Trents Tenantry, St.James Barbados

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I am very interested i learning reiki, in b'dos, we learn traditional massage but not teaches anything else, and it is far too expensive to go overseas to learn, is there anything that can do or any websites that teaches it in full. i am very interested also do you have any info on meditation, thanks

- 17-novembro-2004 / 0:34:17
Queridos irmãos reikianos,

Por motivos familiares preciso de proteção especial para mim e para os da minha casa, para que não se desencadeie o mal a mim e aos meus. Confio em Deus, em Reiki, mas, dadas as circunsâncias, nunca é demais pedir proteção especial de forma particular a quem entenda bem do assunto.

Abraços de luz.

Luciano Silva Paulinelli.

<"luciano silva paulinelli" <>>
- 16-novembro-2004 / 23:33:23
Name: Pam Location: Rogers

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have stomach problems very bad....I am either constipated or have diarea all the time... Latly it has got worse...Please help me..It is causing problem with me in every way ....Thank you so much

- 16-novembro-2004 / 23:31:46

Name: Chris Hooke Location: Davis, CA, USA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Been trying to have a baby for 3 years...have been through 2 yrs of western treatments and no pregnancy. 6 Months of Acupuncture has helped cycles generally but still no pregnancy. Only 32 yrs old-hoping it's not too late and that Reiki can help. Thank you.

- 16-novembro-2004 / 23:30:44
Blair Austin Tx

Help with addictions Raising his vibrational level to help him be more comfortable with his healing path and receiving more reiki energy

Ruby Austin TX

Blair's friend who is helping him recover for balanc e and peace of mind.

<"Michelle" <>>
- 16-novembro-2004 / 23:26:35
Nome: Luís Fernando Canno Ferreira DN: 26/09/1979 Lins - SP Motivo: está fazendo provas para residência. Para que aconteça o melhor. Também tem histórico de depressão.

<"Laura Maria Canno Ferreira" <>>
- 16-novembro-2004 / 23:24:07
Nome completo: Sueli Fiori Data de nascimento: 07.07.1952 Cidade onde reside: Rio Negro-Pr Motivo da inclusão: Melhorar a saúde; equilíbrio emocional, físico, mental, e financeiro.

<"Fiori" <>>
- 16-novembro-2004 / 23:22:12

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Hello, This is for my wife Rima Shah. She had sciatica nerve problem and did surgery in May-2004. She is still having problem with her right leg and also back pain. She cannot sit for more then 10-15 minutes and also can not walk.

All distance reiki will be very much helpful to her. We had been to Reiki I and II class. So we are applying reiki daily.

Thanks for all help in her heeling process.


- 15-novembro-2004 / 15:13:37
Name: therese power Location: bellshill north lanarkshire scotland

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I suffer from a lot of lower back pain, the docs say that my lumber spine is crumbling.I am a reiki practioner (level 2) clinical hypnotherapist and reflexologist and work when my health permits. I try really hard to get better and could use some help - thanks in advance. Therese

- 15-novembro-2004 / 15:12:35
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