CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Amanda and Iain MARTIN Location: Dublin, Ireland

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Iain has Rheumatoid arthritis, currently he has a flare up on his knee and one is about to start on his foot. He has just been taken off one of his most vital drugs as it was causing some levels in his blood to rise to dangerous levels. The specialist has not been able to find a drug to replace it yet as in the last 20 years,(he's only 29) he has been on all of the RA drugs available. Therefore we know that he is going to get worse soon. I ask for your help for Iain and for me.

Mrs Amanda Martin

- 15-novembro-2004 / 15:11:23
Name: sharon Location: wollongong, Australia

Presenting Complaint -------------------- emotional stress, feelings of hopelessness, inability to cope with my life due to a very difficult marriage, I have deep resentment and anger towards my husband and I need to eliminate that before I can allow myself to love him again. He is also suffering from all these things and needs as much healing as I do. Our son is the only thing keeping us together as the love between us has gone. We both feel trapped in this marriage but we feel that separation would not be the best thing for our son. I will be seeking a private consultation if there is a practitioner in my area. Thank you for your help.

- 15-novembro-2004 / 15:10:02
Name: Garnet J. Location: Leland,N.C.

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Heart palpitations and stress. Once a user of ephedrine for weight loss and stopped but still continue to have these. Thank you.

- 15-novembro-2004 / 15:08:52
Name: cindy weigle Location: red lion pa

- 15-novembro-2004 / 15:07:07

Quem puder ajudar.

Trata-se de Sergio Vigorito de Carvalho, nascimento 06.08.45-



<"Paulo Eyer" <>>
- 15-novembro-2004 / 15:05:49
Name: cindy weigle Location: red lion pa

- 15-novembro-2004 / 11:15:42
Name: cindy weigle Location: red lion pa

- 15-novembro-2004 / 11:13:20
Name: margaret o'donnell Location: dungarven. Co. Waterford. Ireland

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Margaret has recently had a triple heart bypass. Unfortunately they then discovered that she had breast cancer and is now receiving treatment in the form of medication. She is currently in a lot of pain, possibly a side effect of the medication, and is vomiting a lot, very tired and little energy.She is also waiting for the results of another scan. Can you please send some distant healing,

Many thanks

Mick O'Donnell

- 15-novembro-2004 / 11:12:01
Name: Mary Cardwell Location: Easton, PA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Healing, cleansing, balancing, centering, and focusing my mind, body, and spirit. I ask that I am healed mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I ask that I can be open to be a healer for Great Spirit. I need renewed energy. I am very low in energy and I am stressed daily. I also ask that my pychic ability is open and become much stronger than they are now. Many Blessings to all who help, Aho

- 15-novembro-2004 / 11:10:16
Name: Mary Location: PA

- 14-novembro-2004 / 20:57:51
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