CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Solicito, por favor, incluir na LEU:

1-) Pastor: Sérgio Sóra - Data Nasc 29/04/1962 - Cidades: São Paulo-SP e Rio de Janeiro-RJ.

Problemas: Está retornando, às atividades, após um Ano de Licença, por motivo de tratamento de problema de saúde não revelado estando, atualmente, muito abaixo do seu pêso normal, ou, ideal.

Muito Grata! - Tatiana!

<"Tatiana Aparecida Galvão" <>>
- 14-novembro-2004 / 20:54:49
Name: Carol Franks Location: Blandburg, PA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have neuralgia in both my big toes, a pulled tendon on the outside of my right foot, a pulled tendon on the outside of my right knee and pain in my left elbow. I feel tired and irritable nearly all the time. I am unable to concentrate, I've tried to clear my Chakra's but I can't stay focused.

- 14-novembro-2004 / 20:53:26
Por favor agradeço do fundo do meu coração o envio de reiki para vitor manuel leote pereira da cunha 30.06.1949 cascais - portugal

depressão nervosa muito profunda, falta de vontade de viver, incapacidade de lutar pela vida, falta de auto-estima, cansaço mental profundo, graves problemas económicos.

Luz nanny

<"nannyportugal" <>>
- 14-novembro-2004 / 20:50:39
Name: Katharine Wilson Location: Porterville

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Osteoarthritis, especially in joints of ear and hands. Thank you so much. Katharine

- 14-novembro-2004 / 18:56:35

Name: Hannah Carmichael Location: Cambridge

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Depression. Mental state, stress.

- 14-novembro-2004 / 8:47:51
Name: Jeevan Balkissoon Location: 5366 Huntingfield Drive, Mississauga, ONt.

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I need help with my trigeminal neuralgia on the left side of my face located on the lower lip and tongue.

At this point I have a lot of pain. Can you help?

Thank you,

Jeevan Balkissoon.

- 14-novembro-2004 / 8:46:52
Name: Janice Location: MO,USA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- anxiety, aching, inabillity to concentrate.

- 14-novembro-2004 / 8:45:48
Name: Larry Jacobs Location: Springfield, MO

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Have been in remission from Leukemia for about 4 months. Recently my numbers have gone back down and I am without energy - doctors have done another bone marrow check and I will get the results Monday. I have a wife and three kids. My resolve is strong, but I am beginning to feel lost.

Thank you for anything you are able to bring me.

- 14-novembro-2004 / 8:44:56
Name: Julie Cantwell Location: Lake St Louis, MO

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Over the past few weeks I have had several people tell me I have lost my light. They say I used to have a bright energy around me and it is gone or faded. I don't feel depressed, I feel lost. Over the past say four years I have gone through many major events; such as having my daughter (emergency historectomy), my mother going into drug/alcohol treatment, and my husband and I having many marriage problems. My daughter brings me great

- 13-novembro-2004 / 22:16:28
Name: Julie Cantwell Location: Lake St Louis, MO

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Over the past few weeks I have had several people tell me I have lost my light. They say I used to have a bright energy around me and it is gone or faded. I don't feel depressed, I feel lost. Over the past say four years I have gone through many major events; such as having my daughter (emergency historectomy), my mother going into drug/alcohol treatment, and my husband and I having many marriage problems. My daughter brings me great joy everyday, I love her with all of my heart. I don't feel unhappy, yet everyone around me thinks I am. I don know I am not very happy at my job. I am tired a lot, but for good reason I think. I get up at 5:30AM all week long, work from 7:30-4:30; rush home pick-up my daughter, make dinner, feed animals, do laundry, give baths, clean-up dinner, etc.. and go to bed around 10:00PM, except weekends. I need to find my happiness again, not sure where I lost it along the way. Please help if you can.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 22:15:32
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