CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Julie Cantwell Location: Lake St Louis, MO

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Over the past few weeks I have had several people tell me I have lost my light. They say I used to have a bright energy around me and it is gone or faded. I don't feel depressed, I feel lost. Over the past say four years I have gone through many major events; such as having my daughter (emergency historectomy), my mother going into drug/alcohol treatment, and my husband and I having many marriage problems. My daughter brings me great joy everyday, I love her with all of my heart. I don't feel unhappy, yet everyone around me thinks I am. I don know I am not very happy at my job. I am tired a lot, but for good reason I think. I get up at 5:30AM all week long, work from 7:30-4:30; rush home pick-up my daughter, make dinner, feed animals, do laundry, give baths, clean-up dinner, etc.. and go to bed around 10:00PM, except weekends. I need to find my happiness again, not sure where I lost it along the way. Please help if you can.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 22:14:34
Name: Barry Caesar Location: 151-40 88 St Howard Beach NY 11414

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Chronic weak muscles in lower body.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 22:11:56
Saudaçoes ao grupo! Infelizmente nao tenho como ler os emails mandados pela lista pois nao tenho internet em casa e por aqui na frança custa muito caro ir ao ciber cafe,entao quando vou é tudo muito rapido e basico mando emails aos amigos e familia. Venho a pedir reiki pois ando precisando muito ,estou fazendo um tratamento muito serio aqui na França,os remedios sao pesados e tem muitos efeitos colaterais,inclusive um deles da depressao e ataca os nervos.Sendo assim,me sinto muito deprimida e alem disso sozinha,pois nao tenho muitos amigos e nem um emprego fixo.Tudo isso acaba resultando em brigas com meu namorado e crises horriveis. Por favor,peço reiki aos que puderem me ajudar nesses momento dificil . Obrigada karen

<"Karen Watanabe" <>>
- 13-novembro-2004 / 22:06:10
Name: kimberly hay Location: aspen, co

Presenting Complaint -------------------- depression, hopelessness, broken heart, being fired (on top of everything else), loneliness, chronic fatique

- 13-novembro-2004 / 21:55:13

Name: Aysu Erden Location: Ankara-Turkey

Presenting Complaint -------------------- To get rid of headache, dizziness

- 13-novembro-2004 / 20:03:38
Name: mary fox Location: Ireland

Presenting Complaint -------------------- a sort of long-term, low-level depression where I feel quite sad, apart from people, becoming more fearful of the future, disliking people, feeling very let down by people, being very critical and judgemental, and basically very very alone. This is in spite of a healthy diet, exercise, vitamins, having plenty to do, and trying to maintain a minimum of positive energy. The good energy I felt and exuded only 2 years ago has eroded, and I want it back.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 20:02:22
Name: Sue Liszewski Location: Des Plaines Ill

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Healing for: Brian James Shaver

Gender: Male

Location: Mount Prospect Illinois

Age: 38

Condition: This is an additional time request for my friend. He has Crohn's disease, autoimmune disease, cardiac issues (secondary to crohn's infection), liver, pancreas, blood clotting disorder, severe inflammation, scarring from catheters, prior surgeries, etc. He is very depressed too due to what the doctor's have told him, even though he has alwasys proven them wrong. This is a long term problem I would like all 3 modalities for him. and any support of suggestions would be wonderful. I pray for a miracle for his complete return to health and for all bodily organs to be restored. I also pray for physical emotional and spiritual healing. I would like him to find and trust the higher powers once again and am working with him to try and make it happen. Thank you for any and all help you may give him. Sue

Healing: Any or all is fine

- 13-novembro-2004 / 20:01:22
Name: Donna Burke Location: Waco, Texas

Presenting Complaint -------------------- This is not really an illness, but I hope you can help. I stutter sorta bad, and it has been a hendrance to my otherwise friendly personality. I am a Gemini and am bubbling over inside with wanting to talk, but my stuttering holds me back. Please help if you can. Thank you and blessings to you!

- 13-novembro-2004 / 20:00:11
Name: Donna Burke Location: Waco, Texas

Presenting Complaint -------------------- This is not really an illness, but I hope you can help. I stutter sorta bad, and it has been a hendrance to my otherwise friendly personality. I am a Gemini and am bubbling over inside with wanting to talk, but my suttering holds me back. Please help if you can. Thank you and blessings to you!

- 13-novembro-2004 / 19:59:18
Name: Lynn Matthews Location: Rock hill , South Carolina

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I am asking for my mother in law. She has an infection from a wound on her chest. The wound is from radiation treatments. However, she needs whole body healing as well because she has cancer. Please help, and know that I truely appreaciate your efforts.

from: Concerned

- 13-novembro-2004 / 19:57:59
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