CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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João Eduardo, Estou precisando dos seus préstimos. Essa semana esta um pouco pesada para mim, gostaria então que você me enviasse uma "energiazinha" extra, se possível Desde já grato. Abração de muita paz Aníbal

- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:53:52
Name: Priscilla Estes Location: Yardley, PA E-Mail:

Presenting Complaint -------------------- pain in right hip, radiates down right leg Thank you.

- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:51:36
Name: Caroline Location: England

Presenting Complaint -------------------- bad sleeping pattern

- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:49:24
Name: Caroline Location: England

Presenting Complaint -------------------- bad sleeping pattern

- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:42:23


Que se Chama : Manuel Martins da Costa Data Nascimento : 12/04/1954


O Manuel deu concentimento e vai ajudar.

Desde já o meu Obrigado. Bem Haja


- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:41:13
Nome: Ana Maria Caldeira > Cidade: Manaus/AM > Motivo: Estou com insegurança, ansiedade e medo. > > Sou reiki iniciante, e hoje apliquei várias vezes em mim mesma, mas ainda estou > um pouco angustiada. > > Necessito ajuda. > > Ana Maria

- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:40:01
Ola, noticias positivas: a Sandra esta sem dores de cabeca desde o dia 24/11. Em relacao a Elisabeth ainda aguardo noticias. Assim que as tiver, envio feed back. Luz e Harmonia Ana

- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:38:40
O meu nome é Ana Cristina S. Mesquita, vivo no Porto e o motivo do meu > pedido é.... > Eu vou ter um exame na Terça dia 30 de Novembro e a minha cabeça anda muito > confusa por vezes tenho crises emocionais, fecho-me muito e estou c muito > medo de não conseguir fazer esse exame é o ultimo para acabar o meu curso... > Tenho o nivel 1 de reiki e sinto q preciso de crescer, mais propriamente > descobrir o meu eu n sei se estou no caminho correcto... precisava de luz... > para seguir o caminho mais correcto... > Muita Paz e mto luz para tdos.

- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:37:22
Name: Paul Oakes Location: Chapel Hill, NC

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Please pray to heal my Sister's family, my mother, and my father.

My sister's husband had brain surgery for a tumor a little over two years ago. Since then his cognitive and motivational aspects have seriously changed and he has not been able to keep a job to help support the family. His psychology has been affected because of the brain surgery and he is no longer capable of watching their children alone.

My sister, Liz, has been bearing the responsibility of her two toddlers, Lauren, 4, and Joshua, 2 1/2, and their well-being, emotional, physical, psychological, as well as the same for her husband Brian.

Liz's family has fallen into financial ruin and is on the verge of bankruptcy and home foreclosure.

Please pray for them.

My mother has been strong in helping them in their circumstances and keeping their focus positive. She is nearly 60 however and this is not an easy task for her.

My father has been helping them as well but he has Parkinson's disease and his business (he's a truck driver) is on thin ice because of this circumstance.

Please pray for them.

As I write this too you I am taken aback at the circumstances of their lives over the past three years, although it is all true. We are all worn out.

Thank you,


Paul Oakes

- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:35:35
Name: cheryl Location: detroit

Presenting Complaint -------------------- condition is infertility resulting from pelvic inflammatory disease and blocked fallopian tubes. would like healing and to regain fertility and ability to conceive.

- 1-dezembro-2004 / 1:33:24
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