CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Peço que, por gentileza e por amor, sejam incluídos no caderno de orações os seguinte nomes: Maria Antonieta Inácio de Oliveira 21/07/1970 Pedro Inácio de Oliveira 28/07/1939 Geni de Almeida de Oliveira 31/03/1939 Aline Marie de Oliveira Valério 01/01/1990 Yasmin de Oliveira Camargo 10/09/1998 Ariele de Oliveira Camargo 10/09/1998 e Marcello Aparecido Gabriel 03/09/1972 Agradeço desde já e desejo muita luz, paz e amor à todos... Ma

<"Maryan" <>>
- 13-novembro-2004 / 17:59:44
Name: p.asha Location: dadar,bombay-28,india.

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I wish to get peace of mind & relief from anxiety & depression caused by personal problems.

thanks, p.asha.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 17:58:20
Favor adicionar na lista desse mes:

Nome: Rejaine Ribeiro Nascimento em Uberlandia/MG Data: 28/06/1962 Local onde reside: Brasília/DF Está em casa na Asa Norte com cancer no colo do útero.




<"Val" <>>
- 13-novembro-2004 / 17:57:20
Name: Kathryn Paunicka Location: Purdue University, West Layfayette In

Presenting Complaint -------------------- This is for my daughter, she will also be getting a private session when she comes home from school. She is so anxious and lonely while at school, she is having trouble making friends yet keeps people at a distance. She has suffered from an eating disorder and I am afraid is still bulemic when she gets stressed. I want her to be able to feel and not be afraid of the love and friendship that people can offer to her so she can begin to enjoy life. I just know she is missing so much in life by shutting people out........she is the joy of my life and I want her to experience life for all of its good and challenges. THANK YOU

- 13-novembro-2004 / 17:56:25

Olá pessoal!

Venho pedir envio de reiki para minha mãe – Maria Inês Araújo, nascida em 16/11/1941 e residente em João Pessoa – PB. Ela quebrou o braço direito e tem sentido muitas dores.

Desde já agradeço pela ajuda.

Paz Profunda a todos,

Maurício Araújo

<"Mauricio Araujo" <>>
- 13-novembro-2004 / 17:55:14
Name: Srinivas Location: Hyderabad - India

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Not able to control self ( as earlier ) Feeling Lazy to do activities Not able to keep up commitments as earlier..

I want to learn Reiki .As said I want to experience it to strenghen my faith in it ..


- 13-novembro-2004 / 17:53:57
Name: shilpa Location: hyderabad, india

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Hello,

Iam shilpa, 24years old, my problem is that i have not yet found a partner( love), my parents are looking for a groom (which is a common pratcise in India). It seems to go no where, my parents are getting worried, am not sure about what i want. I just want to find someone i could share my life with. Iam attractive and well educated, still single, never had a boyfirend, coz i didnt wanted to be with somone i didnt like or care to be with. I am working now and have a good job. so not really worried abt my career.

I too want to get married, have a nice husband who loves me a lot and cares for me, have children.

Just dont know where my life is going, same routtine everyday , need some change, need someone to come along to make y life better, not that it isnt.

I cant wait to have children , i have been dreming evr since i was 16.

pls pray for me that i will find a nice, gentle, well edcuated and intelligent man to be my husband.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 17:53:03
Name: Szoszi Location: Pembroke Pines, FL

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Szozi is my mother who has been fighting Congestive Heart Failure and Chronic Bronchitis for several months. At this time, she has also developed pneumonia and is having great difficulty with her breathing.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 17:52:02
Name: Joyce Location: Lorimor Iowa

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have a horse that I recently purchased who is having some emotional problems. She needs Reiki to help her release her emotions.

Her name is Bella and she is located in Milo, Iowa at this time.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 1:22:14
Name: Lisa Dorries Location: Ashland, Oregon

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I am having migraines from 2-5 times a week for the last 4 weeks along with intense night time hot flashes.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 1:20:41
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