CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Solicito o envio de Reiki e/ou Magnified Healing, Karuna Reiki, Seichim Reiki, enfim, orações para Marcia Pezzino. Ela tem ataxia cerebelar e está piorando a cada dia. É uma doença degenerativa do sistema nervoso, já nem anda mais e é jovem, deve ter 40 anos, um casal de filhos. Mora no Rio de Janeiro _ RJ. Aproveito também para pedir, de novo, por Clara Amaral Lo Bianco Braga de Mello, minha netinha muito amada, nascida em 21.04.1999, que está muito febril, com dor de garganta e tossindo. Minha filha está apavorada, e por isto, peço por ela também: Helena Maria Amaral Lo Bianco, 23.08.71. Ambas moram na Tijuca, Rua Garibaldi, 235, no Rio de Janeiro. Obrigada a todos, muita luz e muita paz, Sandra

<"SAmaral" <>>
- 13-novembro-2004 / 1:19:16
Name: Sharon Hope Location: Redding CA 96001

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Healing from rheumatoid arthritis and skin condition that has resulted in burning/itching sensations so that I am free to be myself and to be the person God created me to be.

Locating a position that gives me the income I am worth in a field that helps me to feel fulfilled and worthwhile.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 1:18:13

<"irineia2000" <>>
- 13-novembro-2004 / 1:16:43
Name: Greg Goff Location: Galveston, Texas

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Greg was shot last night. He is now in surgery, the second surgery, please pray that Greg comes through the surgery and survives to praise God! Thank you Mary S Johnson

- 13-novembro-2004 / 1:14:46

Name: Ken Location: San Francisco

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I'm feeling not quite at home in my body. I would like to feel whole and grounded.

Thanks you,


- 13-novembro-2004 / 1:13:57
Name: Petra Rabisch Location: near Frankfurt, Germany

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Hello dear ones, please send healing-energy to Petra Rabisch near Frankfurt (Germany), the sister of a friend of mine. She needs help & hope, because she suffers from cancer of the intestine with metastasis in other organs. Thank You!

Blessings to you,

Moritz Rehmet

- 13-novembro-2004 / 1:10:54
Name: Jane Westmoreland Location: Monroe, NC

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have trouble with waking up after only about 4 hours or less of sleep and not being able to go back to sleep. I have to medicate often and would prefer not to. Even on medications with labels indicating that you shouldn't take them unless you know you can have 8 hours to sleep, I only sleep about 6 hours. I've been to the sleep doctor - a complete waste of time and money - with no success. I do receive Reike treatments here in Monroe and they definitely help. I've never asked for nor received any long-distance healing and thought that it would be interesting to participate in this project.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 1:02:16
I Mary Karpinec, would greatly appreciate some concentrated Long Distance Reiki Healing treatment applied on my illness Epilepsy[head seizures] for this weekend and for the rest of the month of November. THANK-YOU FOR YOUR HEALING CO-OPERATION! Name:Mary Karpinec Born:March 20/1959 Country:Canada City: Toronto State: Ontario Postal Code: M9B 1Y9 Phone: 416-626-1082

<"torontofrog59" <>>
- 13-novembro-2004 / 0:59:00
Name: Tony Dieste Location: Dallas, Tx

Presenting Complaint -------------------- migraine

- 13-novembro-2004 / 0:54:46
Name: Vania Chew Location: Dallas, Tx

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I suffer a lot from back pain.

- 13-novembro-2004 / 0:51:15
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