CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Gail Location: Lexington KY

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Sleep.

- 12-novembro-2004 / 0:32:24
Name: Edward Location: Lexington KY

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Both shoulders, especially the right one.

Both knees.


Weight in stomache.

Teeth & gums.

- 12-novembro-2004 / 0:25:56
Name: Aron Rivers Location: Texas

Presenting Complaint -------------------- rhumatoid arthritis/ low immune system

- 12-novembro-2004 / 0:24:46
Name: Gregory Simon Vance Location: Gold Coast, Australia

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Emotional healing: physical energy levels fairly low, chakras quite closed off, heart chakra in peices, not feeling very good about myself, self esteem and self confidence not great, fear, I know who I am and my potential but for some reason I'm holding myself back from being myself. Afraid of what people would think.. not feeling very strong to take much criticism. In pattern of negative thinking and fear for a long time that I want to break!! (I have been really happy before and know how good it feels and want to love myself like I used to love someone else.) Would like Sacral and Third eye to be more open for physical energy and openness to higher guidance and psychic awareness.

P.S. I just want to say thankyou for this amazing website. I'd like to learn Reiki and do something USEFUL in the world. Would like to use healing ability to do something for the Earth as well. Thankyou for this service you're providing.

- 12-novembro-2004 / 0:23:48

Name: Puneet Shivam Location: schaumburg

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I need a boost in my career, need outstanding performance appraisal and a excellent project for next year.


- 12-novembro-2004 / 0:20:23
Olá João Eduardo. Agradeço pela enrgia que enviates para minha família e a Harmonização Energética de nossa residência durante esta semana. Já começamos a perceber melhoras, as coisas parecem estar se acertando, tanto familiar como no trabalho. Desejamos continuar recebendo a energia, porém, agora, peço que a recebamos no horário das 13hs. Obrigado a todos.

- 12-novembro-2004 / 0:14:59

<"Rodrigo R. Koller - Dataek" <> >
- 11-novembro-2004 / 2:55:31
Thank you, CÍRCULO DE ENERGIA PORTAL PARA HARMONIA. I do not speak your language very well. Is there something more that I must do to benefit from your reiki circle, or is my name already amongst those who will be focused on? Thank you again, Morgen Starnes Birthday 10/22/1979

- 11-novembro-2004 / 1:44:35
Name: Melissa Location: Louisiana

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Please send my daughter, 4 years old, Reiki healing for her skin. She has severe Eczema and is inflamed over most of her body right now. We are in the process of moving and I fear that the stress of this is causing her pain. Thank you so much. Her name is Rayanna. In love, light and most appreciation. Melissa

- 11-novembro-2004 / 1:35:34
Name: Angelina (my sister's name) Location: Louisville

Presenting Complaint -------------------- My sister (who went in for a pap smear) has recently discovered she needs to have abnormal tissues removed surgically because they may produce cancer. She's very emotional and could really use some good healing energy. I love my sister with all my heart and I wish the best for her. Please help. With Love, Alicia

- 11-novembro-2004 / 1:34:27
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