CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Gostaria de lhes pedir que por favor acrescentem na lista de reiki a pessoa citada abaixo:

Paulo Cesar Soares Dias - Belo Horizonte - MG

Está enfrentando graves problemas em casa, principalmente por ter perdido a mãe e pela doença do pai. Também peço que envie reiki para a família dele, o pai tb está precisando de muito reiki para estabilizar a sua saúde e o emocional.

PAZ E LUZ PARA TODOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

< "Ness luzzy" <>>
- 11-novembro-2004 / 0:11:33
Name: Dhrishit MP Location: Trivandrum

Presenting Complaint -------------------- stress,tension,unable to concentrate.digestive problems.

- 11-novembro-2004 / 0:10:13
Name: Manisa Surana Location: Kolkata, India

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have got copper-T inserted for contraceptive purpose for last 2 years. I have mild bleeding continously since last 3 months. Please give me reiki to cure my problem of excess bleeding.

- 11-novembro-2004 / 0:09:27
Name: Jonathan White Location: Spokane/Pullman, Washington USA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I dont know if this is a condition that can be helped with Reiki, but its worth a shot.

I have been trying to learn a few different skills, as well as balancing them with working, a lovely girlfriend, and school at Washington State University.

These skills I wish to develop include photoreading, deep meditation, psychokinesis (spoon bending and other abilities). However, in regards to these skills, it seems like i've hit a wall. I havnt been able to make much, if any, progress, and it seems like something is keeping me from understanding why and how. Like I know I can do these things, I know they are available to me, I know that I have the power inside, but no matter what I do and how much I try, I cannot seem to get them to work. Maybe i'm trying too hard and I cant just let go and let it happen? I dont know. All I know is that something is stopping me, and if it can be healed I would be deeply appreciative.

Any help you can give me would be tremendously great.

Thank you very much for any time and energy you put into this.


Jonathan White

- 11-novembro-2004 / 0:06:46

Name: Cathy Smith Location: Ketchikan, Alaska

Presenting Complaint -------------------- hi, thanks for your service. it is great. i have schizophrenia and throat cancer which is spreading a little. i eat well (mostly vegetarian) and am 53 years old, living alone with my little dog. i have audio and visual hallucinations, loud voices which make me jumpy and cannot communicate very well which is tragic in my life since i cannot do the simplest things without a lot of misunderstanding and confusion. thanks again.

i also have a friend in the same town, a guy who is also schizophrenic and presently has a bad tummy ache. he would also like your help as well.

all the best, om, cathy

- 10-novembro-2004 / 23:56:00
Name: Amanda Location: London

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Please help, I have been stuck in depression for the last five years. I feel I live in darkness, I am too scared to leave the house, to live. I always feel ill and tired, have no energy. Please any help you can give. I thank you more than words can say.

- 10-novembro-2004 / 23:48:21
Nome: Roselaine Ratigheri Lozano Data de nascimento: 23/07/1965 Cidade: Lins - SP Motivo: Depressão. Obrigada, Luz a todos!

< "Wendy Ravagnani" <>>
- 10-novembro-2004 / 23:46:42
Name: Sandra Lynn Morris Location: La Habra, California, united states

Presenting Complaint -------------------- DEDPRESSION, LOW ENERGY, FEAR, AND ANXIETY.

- 10-novembro-2004 / 23:45:22
Name: Raymond Cuttill Location: Bracknell, Berkshire, England

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have Diffuse Idipathic Skeketal Hypersterosis, "DISH", where the ligaments of my neck cease to work and my neck hardly turns up, down or sideways. Sometimes I have headaches/neckaches form it. There is no conventional cure.

- 10-novembro-2004 / 23:43:44
Nome: Laura Maria Canno Ferreira DN: 21/05/1977 Lins - SP Motivo: resolver situação afetiva da melhor maneira possível Nome: Lydiane Abdon Leal DN: 17/04/1974 Campinas - SP Motivo: baixa estima e resolver situação afetiva

< "Laura Maria Canno Ferreira" <>>
- 10-novembro-2004 / 23:41:10
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