CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: thelia Location: south africa (pretoria)

Presenting Complaint -------------------- to connect with my truth, to remember my connection to the angels and ascended masters and to you and all of life, to release the habits and disorders i no longer need(physically i have problems with my teeth, liver and colon).(emotionally i often feel impatient and irritated, trapped in response patterns that doesn't reflect my loving compassionate self and i feel desperately unable to change) thank you and love thelia

- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:41:45
Rosmari de Matos Rolim 31 de agosto de 1964 Porto Alegre - RS


< "Alexandre" <>>
- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:40:46
Name: Margaret Calarie Location: Erie County Medical Center, Cardiac Care Unit, Buffalo, New York

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I am requesting a healing for my maternal aunt, if the is the will of Our Creator. She is 81 years old and went into hospital November 15 to have a heart valve replaced, she was doing well, until the week end of Halloween, when she was taken off of all medical support hosing for a full body scan and lying horizontal, went into cardiac arrest, and stopped breathing for 7 minutes, since she has been revived, she was placed back on life support and blood pressure yesterday was 140/40, an improvement from the previous day's blood pressure of 140/32. She does not seem to be able to move her arms or harnds at this point, though she was opening her eyes and looking in the direction of family members....

- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:39:47
Name: Catherine Gordon Location: Evesham, Worcestershire,UK

Presenting Complaint -------------------- anxiety attacks, lack of self-confidence, and high blood pressure also 'white coat syndrome' on visiting doctor.This has been a controllabable problem for over ten years but has reappeared in acute phases for over a year following a series of traumatic upheavals in my personal life.

- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:38:57

Bom dia a todos,

solicitio que incluam na LEU a seguinte pessoa:

Nome completo: DAGMON FARIAS DE NOVAES Data de nascimento: 12/06/1950 Cidade onde reside: Paraguaçu Paulista-Brasil Motivo da inclusão: Câncer, está fazendo quimioterapia.

Obrigado a todos.

Abraços de Paz e Luz Josele

<"Josele" <>>
- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:37:59
Name: rajesh Location: kochi

- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:28:39
Name: Ramesh Anant Verlekar Location: goa-India

Presenting Complaint -------------------- the mentioned person is my father , who meet with an accident on 29th september.he suffered head injuries.on 1st oct he was operated for the same .he is still in the hospital and is not yet fully conscious, his blood pressure keep's on fluctuating. pray that his head gets healed fast and he gets all his memory back.pray that he starts taking oral feeds and his RT tube is removed and his whole body gets energised

- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:26:46
Name: Michelle Tokarz Location: Canton, Michigan

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Severe headaches. Characterized by sharp pains behind my eyes (mostly my right). Intereferes with sleep, concentration during the day....

- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:23:34
Olá meus amigos queridos,

Peço que enviem Reiki para mais duas pessoas que estão precisando muito: Nome completo: CECÍLIA DOS SANTOS VALVERDE Data de nascimento: 20/11/1943 Cidade onde reside: Piracicaba-SP-Brasil Motivo da inclusão: Fortalecimento da condição emocional.

Nome completo: WILSON VALVERDE Data de nascimento: 29/10/1946 Cidade onde reside: Piracicaba-SP-Brasil Motivo da inclusão: Câncer no intestino se expandindo para a próstata.

Obrigada a todos!!!

Muita paz e muita luz na vida de vocês!!!

Beijo grande no coração, Maria Regina

<"Maria Regina" <>>
- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:20:32
Name: ann cook Location: ayrshire

Presenting Complaint -------------------- help with coping with my husbands heart failure

- 10-novembro-2004 / 1:06:11
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