CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: CHANDER DEEP Location: Chandipur,Orissa INDIA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- My name is Chander Deep I am from INDIA. at present I am serving in chandipur (orissa).I am reiki-2 practitioner. request my& my family’s name may please be included in healing session. my family consists of-wife-Ritu, daughters Saloni & Chahat. I request healing for good health, happiness, peace harmony & financial success. I lost my car in accident in which my friend and the driver died. I have been told very bad time by the astrologers. I also request reiki for my and my family's spiritual development I being new to internet, request your pardon in case any fault in sending message. I may please be guided if I can be a part of healing session. Any one who is ready to help me can contact me



- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:17:15
Oi pessoal Venho mais uma vez pedir envio urgente de Reiki para

RODRIGO CECATTO - Cidade de Jundiai - SO - 20 anos

Motivo; Se envolveu em uma briga de transito e infelizmente bateu no carro de um policial, e hoje ele está detido em uma delegacia, é um menino muito bom, trabalhador, estudante, e precisa urgentemente provar sua inocência. Agradeço a todos que puderem enviar Reiki Obrigada Tânia

<"Tânia" <>>
- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:15:58
Bom dia Família de LUZ Boa semana a todos nós.

Quero agradecer a todos que enviaram a energia do Reiki e suas orações para meu pai. Ele esteve internado por tres meses no hospital Oncologico e, Juiz de Fora/MG, e teve alta, esta bem, a doença foi controlada, e agora terá que tomar medicamentos em casa, e refazer os exames em janeiro de 2005. Ele está muito confiante, e feliz por estar de volta ao lar. Um grande e carinhoso abraço a todos Peço que continuem com o nome dele na sua caixinha e do meu filho também. PAZ, AMOR E MUITA LUZ com carinho Raquel

< "raibqah" <>>
- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:13:06
Por favor colocar na LEU de novembro:

Maria Lucia Pires Carneiro - 27/11-1953 - Jau - SP Problemas emocionais - ansiedade - fuma demasiadamente

Jose Roberto de Camargo - falecido em 11/08/2004 - SP

Muito obrigada. Ivone

- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:11:35

Por favor,

Wilson Valverde


Câncer intestino se expandindo para a próstata.

Deus os abençoe


<"Tereza Pompiani" <>>
- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:10:42
Name: T N Shylaja Location: Bangalore - India

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Dear Sir,

I wish to inform you that I had irregular mensus and contacted a lady doctor and was undergone some ultra scanning and was told that there is thickness in the uterus.

Later on I had undergone one more blood test and was told that I am suffering from Thyroid.

I am the only person to earn and I cannot apply leave for undergoing surgery and spend money.

Kindly do some reiki treatment.

Can you please acknowledge my mail. Right now I dont have the medical report to reproduce it toyou.

Can I send it on receipt of your mail.

Awaiting your mail.



- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:09:37
Name: Jennifer Tan Location: Sengkang in Singapore

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have cyst in my ovary and many fibroids in my womb. Please help me to remove or even just to reduce their size.

Thank you.

- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:08:40
Name: Sandy Abernathy Location: Auburn, California (Northern California)

Presenting Complaint -------------------- My neighbor is at UC Davis near Sacramento in the Hospital. She is undergoing radiation and chemo for first stage lymph node cancer. She is beginning to eat again, and she has lost her hair. She is a single Mom of two sons, ages 11 years old and 15. I request her total cleansing and healing so that she will live and watch her sons grow up.

- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:07:30
Name: Peg Blakely Location: Benedict, MN USA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I am grieving for my dad who is dying of terminal cancer. I am requesting emotional healing in whatever way I need. Thanks in advance for sharing your energy with me.

- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:06:32
Name: Ken Robertson Location: Willmar, Minnesota USA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- This is for my dad, who is 82, and has cancer of the esophagus that has metastasized in 2 places in his spine. He has much trouble with constipation as a result of the medications he takes to relieve the pain. He is too frail to receive chemotherapy, so it is expected that the cancer will continue to pop up in different body parts until it can no longer be treated. All care at this time is palliative. He has sharp pains in his stomach, upper abdomen area, and he is mentally very discouraged. Please send him healing energy to ease his suffering. Thank you.

- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:05:29
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