CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Kaiser Location: Dundas Canada

Presenting Complaint -------------------- cancer

- 9-novembro-2004 / 3:04:27
Solicito Reiki para situação: Decisão sobre continuarmos ou não com a Cantina na CIACOM de Santiago. Que o Cosmos conspire para que aconteça o que for melhor para nós e para todos os envolvidos, e que não saiamos no prejuizo obrigado

Suzana de Fátima Fialho
Santiago, RS Brasil - 9-novembro-2004 / 2:58:18
Olá, Gostaria de receber energia á distancia, às 7:00h. Nome Maria Juçara Corrêa Data nascimento: 03/05/1957 Endereço: Servidão Gaúcha, 2 - Ingleses -Florianópolis-SC

Agradeço desejando muita LUZ à todos.

Maria Juçara Correa

<"c4majc" <> >
- 9-novembro-2004 / 2:57:16
Name: Holly Location: Calgary, Alberta

Presenting Complaint -------------------- emotional healing and shame-based conditioning

- 9-novembro-2004 / 2:15:17

Solicito o envio de Reiki e/ou Magnified Healing, Karuna Reiki, Seichim Reiki, enfim, orações para a empresa onde meu genro trabalha, bem como para todo o pessoal de lá: Du Loren Rua Fernandes da Cunha, 326 - Vigário Geral Rio de Janeiro _ RJ

Obrigada a todos, muita luz e muita paz, Sandra

<"SAmaral" <>>
- 9-novembro-2004 / 1:21:18
Name: Jesse Rosario Location: United States, Michigan

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I had severe acne for about 4 years. Right now my acne is being treated but I have a lot of marks and scars left from previous breakouts that are taking forever to go away and might be permanent. I would like it if someone can heal my marks/scars.

- 9-novembro-2004 / 1:19:58
Name: Ian Fish Location: Birmingham, England

Presenting Complaint -------------------- sinusitis, and related hayfever type symptons.

- 9-novembro-2004 / 1:19:09
Name: Bernadette Crawford Location: 1133 Stoneham Drive, Groveland, FL 34736

Presenting Complaint -------------------- My mother, who had lived with since 1995 died in June of this year. I cannot seem to get over her death. My Mom and I were always very close since I was a little girl and even after I grew up and started my own family. I so enjoyed having her live with me. She was kind, funny, always calm, an inspiration to me and the most wonderful mother. She was my mother and my best friend and I miss her desperately.

I feel an overwhelming sense of grief and anger. I am extremely depressed and feel as though I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Thank you for your help.

- 9-novembro-2004 / 1:18:02
HEALING REQUEST Sun, 07 Nov 2004 16:09:07 EST =======================================

Name: Birgitta lindstrand Location: Sweden, Eriksmåla

Presenting Complaint -------------------- i have trouble to digest fat from animals.

- 9-novembro-2004 / 1:17:07
Name: Jeni Flynn Location: Sholing, Southampton,uk

Presenting Complaint -------------------- am v depressed having recently had a baby and split from her father who is using drugs and is unable to be father and partner we need. Have poor family support and feel very isolated, unhappy and exhausted.

- 9-novembro-2004 / 1:14:50
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