CÍRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 1 Guest Book

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Name: j.f.taylor jr. Location: pharr,texas

Presenting Complaint -------------------- anxiety,paranoia,schizophrenia. thanks very much for your compassion. j.t.

- 4-novembro-2004 / 3:08:44
OI JOão, Pelo menos na casa onde moro, parece que a harmonização tá funcionando muito bem. Quanto aos outros endereços logo te darei notícias. Obrigada, e por favor continue nos mandando as boas energias. Grata, Ozanna

- 4-novembro-2004 / 3:05:19
Name: Alyssa Weishoff Location: Woodbridge, VA or Childrens Hospital D.C.

Presenting Complaint -------------------- The email is mine, JoAnn Abbott, a friend of Alyssa. She is 12 years old and was diagnosed with Acute Rhabdomyo Sarcoma on Dec 10 last year. It grew rapidly in her face but was killed off- we thought- with heavy chemo and radiation and the prayers of many many people. A few cells were discovered to have moved into her right femer last May, when we thought everything was over. 2 weeks ago more tumors were found in her left femer as well. She is thin as a rail and exhausted, and back on the chemo. Her mom is pretyy wiped out as well. If you can do anything remotely, or let me know someone in northern VA who can show me what to do to help her get more energy please do so!

Thanks JoAnn

- 2-novembro-2004 / 20:46:06
Dick Morris Rochester Minnesota

Having gall bladder surgery today. Prayers and energy for him that he has ease and comfort in surgery and a fast, complete recovery. For his family that they may have comfort themselves and that they may be of good service to him. For the health workers that they may have wisdom and compassion and that they may be of good service to him.

Thank you.

Love and blessings to you,


<"Michelle" <amaranth66@sbcglobal.net>>
- 2-novembro-2004 / 20:44:10

Name: Sudesh Location: Vashi, India

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Healing erquired for burning sensations in anus after bowel movements, digestion, acidity and stomach related problems.

- 2-novembro-2004 / 20:41:32
Por favor amigos de Luz e Jornada, Peco manter meu nome na LEU, pois ainda tenho esperanca de conseguir atingir o meu objetivo de ir ver minha familia no Brasil, em dezembro proximo. Nome completo: SILVIA SIMAS ANDRADE DE OLIVEIRA Data de nascimento: 17/10/1951 Cidade onde reside: Arcadia-Flórida-USA Motivo da inclusão: Concluir documentação para voltar ao Brasil. De coracao, agradeco a todos! Silvia

<"Silvia Simas Mulvaney" <ssimas@yahoo.com>>
- 2-novembro-2004 / 20:40:06
Name: Christopher Location: South Africa

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Going through a break-up of my first ever real relationship. My partner and I were engaged but I decided to end the relationship due to her forever bad financial debts that I had to settle for us to try and buy a house together. It has been a while since the break up but we were still very close friends during these times - continuously enjoying each others company. Two weeks ago my partnet began distancing herself from me and has informed me that she has moved on. I currently still work at the same place as my partner and am not able to settle the fact that one day this guy will eventually drop and pick her up from our work place. What makes me concerned is seeing them walking in the same location as where I may be at that time and the fact that he will always attend the work functions with her. At present it is not really advisable to resign as jobs are extremely scarse in South Africa. Plus my lack of furthering my education seems to hamper any job prospects for someone my age - not that I am extremely old or anything. I am looking for advise on how to cope with seeing my partner and her new found love together. I also need some advise as to how to stop worrying about them kissing or sleeping together or whatever they may choose to do.

- 2-novembro-2004 / 20:38:57
Name: René Ruprecht Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have had pain in my lower left back (sciactic) for a longer periode of time in the spring. It then dissapered over the summer - but now it returned sometime during this last week. I previously had a "draft" from an open door during my sleep - I tend to become very varm when I go to sleep, but wake up very cold, a lot of energy is burned of. I seem to have had the same situation again, an open door during night. I also seem to have the same way of lying during my sleep - resulting in a exposure of the same part of the body during my sleep, I tend to remove my cover, so I "cool" down during night and in my sleep.

I would like to try out your offer on the reiki remote healing - since the pain and discomfort is growing.

I look forward to be cured from my pain and I thank you in advance for you time and effort.

Sincerly yours,

René Ruprecht

- 2-novembro-2004 / 20:34:23
Name: suzanne spinelli Location: middlebury, ct

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have a problem with asthma, bad (itchy) skin, lots of stress, depression. most of this is due to the marriage i have with someone that is emotionally abusive toward me. i dont have a full time job yet, have been looking for one, almost had a few, but those didn't come to pass.

I wish help with finding a good job, I wish help with being able to end this marriage and get my life back from the depression.

I wish to feel happy and loved again. and in charge of myself and my life.

Blessings on everyone who helps me...thank you so

- 2-novembro-2004 / 20:29:55
Juliana Learth Ferreira 29/06/75 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ/// João Pedro Learth Lourenço 20/02/2000 - Rio de Janeiro Endereço Rua Embaixador Ramon carcano 147/ ap. 104 bloco II/// Pedro Moreno Pimentel Coelho 13/03/1984 Sulamita Scoralick Baptista 01/06/1936 Rua Embaixador Ramon carcano 147 ap 402 bloco I - Rio de ///

MANUEL ONOFRE MONIZ RIBEIRO Data de nascimento: 10/02/1942 Motivo: Precisa de operar com urgência e ainda está na fila de espera do Hospital Pedro Ernesto Cidade onde reside: RIO DE JANEIRO - RJ

<"SAmaral" <amaralsandra@uol.com.br>>
- 2-novembro-2004 / 20:16:58
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