CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Name: Eleanor King Location: Lancing, West Sussex, England

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Depression

- 28-novembro-2004 / 22:26:47
Olá gente, Meu queridos irmãos, papai te ve alta e já voltou para casa em Mato Grosso. Agradeço muito a todos vcs pelo envio de reiki. Sei que o mês está no fim, mas dia primeiro renovo o pedido. Gostaria de pedir o envio de reiki para duas amigas que acabam de perder pai e mãe, ao mesmo tempo. Elas estão muito arrasadas e deprimidas. Raquel Barbosa Ribeiro Nascimento: 19 /10/1985 Cidade: Rio de Janeiro

Virgínia Pitta Barbosa Nascimento: 25 /05/1960 cidade: Rio de Janeiro

Agradeço de coração e muita luza para todos e bom domingo Maguinha, de alma mais leve depois de 15 dias sem PC.

<"Maguinha" <>>
- 28-novembro-2004 / 22:25:21
Update on my brother

Was called this morning and told he was going in for

emergency surgery so my whole family and I all went up


While he had surgery and the most wonderfull thing

happened the Dr came out after surgery and said that

everything looks great nothing dead

I then started jumping up and down and hugging my family

members and saying thank you Jesus because this was

trully a miracle

Because the Dr's told us a few days ago once your

kindeys and pancaras is dead there is nothing that can

be done except to take them out and go on meds he had

blood in his stools last night and thats why he was

rushed to surgery...

They checked his bowels and they are great and they are

not dead..the Dr flushed out all the blood that was in

his stomach and said in about a few weeks he should be

able to eat

HE still has a torn aorta but I'm still believing that

God will heal that as well He is on the road to recovery please keep your prayers and healing energy going

I want to thank each and everyone of you who sent

prayers and healing energy to my brother May the blessing of God and the white light fall upon

each and everyone of you and may all your needs be met God Bless..Love & Light Always Debi

< "drcpsychic" <>>
- 28-novembro-2004 / 22:17:57

Peço o favor de colocarem em suas listas

Nome completo:Luciana de Freitas Garcia Pinto (o Pinto é só por enquanto até o divorcio

Data: 18/07/1977.

Motivo: Conseguir o divórcio com o ex marido sem muitas divergências. Bem estar geral.

Local onde reside: Bangu-Rio de Janeiro



- 28-novembro-2004 / 9:44:40

Oi João!!! Eu acabo de enviar a meditação à Patricia. E farei o que vc me indicou agora. Não sei como posso te agradecer sua ajuda sempre... Se puder me envie reiki, assim como tbem pra minha filha. Ela precisa muiiiito tbem. Eu, Patricia Lucio Cabral 15/10/1956 Motivo: Problemas pulmonares (DPOC) Problemas na coluna e costelas. Bem estar geral Maíra Lucio Cabral 12/11/1980 Motivo: Personalidade Bipolar, e pela falta do baço, problemas de baixa imunologia Muito agradecida e me coloco à sua disposição qdo precisar Bjs Patricia

<Patricia" <> >
- 28-novembro-2004 / 0:59:18
Name: Elsie Elliott Location: Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I need help with every aspect of my life, personal, social and private, no part of my life seems to be going right at the moment. cheers Elsie

- 28-novembro-2004 / 0:42:57
Name: Melanie Berti Location: Verbank, NY

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Anxiety, nervous habits. Lack of confidence. Anger and lack of patience and inner peace. Marital issues related to all above.

I find it hard to smile and rarely do so. I want to find peace within myself and radiate that peace outward.

- 28-novembro-2004 / 0:36:10
Ola amigos,

Queria-vos pedir Reiki para a minha mae, Aida Clemente. A minha mae vive em Lisboa e tem 50 anos e nunca teve uma vida muito feliz. Sempre muito deprimida e como se estivesse sempre zangada com a vida. Sente-se muito so. Tenho a certeza que com toda a nossa luz e energia a minha mae podera sentir que nao esta so e que somos todos Um.

Obrigada Muita Luz Carla Melo

- 28-novembro-2004 / 0:33:10
Name: Kevin N, Brown Location: Graham washington

Presenting Complaint -------------------- on clearing or opening of chakras centers as to help me grow with my psychic education. thanks in advance Love Kevin

- 28-novembro-2004 / 0:31:11
Name: Kate Location: Sydney

Presenting Complaint -------------------- i wish to let go of an emotional attachment to a person from a previous relationship - almost an unhealthy obsession, which often makes me depressed and sad and angry. i would like to regain control over myself in relation to this person - and not let old emotional wounds keep me from forgiving, from moving on. I would like to not be so sensitive to his words and actions so I am more in control over myself and my emotions, and our relationship currently, and how i feel about future relationships with other people.

- 28-novembro-2004 / 0:30:21
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