CÍRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 1 Guest Book

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Name: Ian Clarke Location: Oldham, Lancashire,NW of England

Presenting Complaint -------------------- To clear blockages from my body so that I can find out why I'am here in this body, may be I'am meant to be a reiki practitioner who knows.

- 2-novembro-2004 / 15:31:15
Name: Elke Huppertz Location: Venezuela

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Dear sirs,

I'm german and living in venezuela since 8 years. I'm reading the book "die botschaften der geistigen welt) from Matthias Gueldenstein, who is a good friend of most of the famous medium in great-britain. he also metioned your organisation and so I thought to right to you, because I`m really desperate and don't know what do do more to find a solution. my problem is, that I have since a long time an allergy and nobody (not one of the doctors-specialists) can help me and tell me what it is and against what I am allergic. they made all the tests, they cut some samples from my leg and so on... but without any result. every day I have new inching spots (seems like bites from mosquitos, but it is not) and I get crazy with this inching every day and night. not even one day off.. MY LAST HOPE is , that maybe you have a prayers group, who could pray from me to help me or maybe a healer (medium), who could find out, what is the reason. Please let me know, if you have any chance to help me. I'm waiting for your answer.

god bless you and thanks, Elke Huppertz

- 2-novembro-2004 / 15:29:56
Name: hgj m b/b

- 2-novembro-2004 / 15:29:13
Ana Paula Benini - 01/08/72 Guaporé/RS Iluminação e prosperidade

Cíntia Benini Bento Gonçalves/RS Iluminação, encontro com seu EU SOU

Darcy Amadeu Benini Bento Gonaçlves/RS Problemas na próstata

Gabriel Benini Pillotti - 24/06/04 Guaporé/RS Iluminação e proteção

Júlio César Pillotti Guaporé/RS Iluminação, proteção e prosperidade

Rosália Juçara Magdalena Bento Gonçalves/RS Auto-centramento

Imóvel Ramiro Barcelos, 306 em Bento Gonçalves.

<"Ana Paula" <billy@tl.com.br>>
- 2-novembro-2004 / 15:28:45

Agradeço as dádivas que tenho recebido do Cosmos

Delir Fialho
- 2-novembro-2004 / 15:23:43
Solicito energia para Maria Cristina Fialho, Cristiana Fialho Dorneles, Clair Fialho Dorneles e Samara Fialho Dorneles. Obrigado pela Luz

Santiago, RS Brasil - 2-novembro-2004 / 12:26:33
Name: Aaron Dukes Location: Boulder Colorado

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I had gone through a life-changing experience at the Native American reservation of Mesa-Verde at the 4 corners area. However it produced an extreme sense of anxiety, which has left me with an severe sense of fear when it comes to heights, airplanes, mountain tops or passes, skyscrapers, and a few random outbursts of fear here and there for no consciously apparent reason. It has also left me slightly clausterphobic. Symptoms include an increased heart rate, complete body tension, but especially in the chest area, fear-ridden mental thoughts, and extreme changes in body temprature. Any help with this would be very appreciated, and recieved with much love. Aaron Dukes

- 2-novembro-2004 / 12:23:01
Name: Amanda Location: Attleboro, MA

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I am very lethargic and driven down emotionally from day to day life. I am also in constant pain in my lower back and legs with occasional headaches, ear aches and the sensation of a saggy thyroid.

- 2-novembro-2004 / 10:28:13
Name: yong yoong fa Location: kuala lumpur malaysia

Presenting Complaint -------------------- knee cap problems...when I bent down and up..lots of crackling sounds as tho' there are sands in the knee cap..

- 2-novembro-2004 / 10:27:25
Name: stefanie moravitz

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I"ve requested reiki in the past (I too am a reiki practitioner) and am asking for ongoing reiki and especially this tuesday at 9-10a.m. (arizona time). My "mother in law" best friend Raina Brown will be undergoing surgery for a brain tumor (lower near her spine). She will be at the u of arizona Tuscon with her husband Tsos who could also use the reiki for strength. She has been fighting cancer throughout her body for over a year and has stayed strong, brave and positive despite all of the pain and daily struggles. (she also practices reiki) I believe all of the energy she can possibly get will help her heal faster and give her more strength. I love her and Tsos dearly. Raina has soooo much positive energy that our earth still needs her to stick around and stay strong. Please help us and do anything that you think may help. Her email is onewithall@cyber-expressway.net and cell phone is 5052808668 if that is of use for any of you. Thank you all with all of my heart for all your help in the past, present and future. Love, stefanie THANK YOU SOOO MUCH

- 2-novembro-2004 / 10:25:39
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