CIRCULO DE ENERGIA - Livro nº 2 Guest Book

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Luiz Carlos Rosa 12/05/1973 Itu/SP está com gripe forte há alguns dias. e tb para definição de sua vida profissional.

<"Silvinha MRR" <>>
- 27-novembro-2004 / 0:47:38
Name: helder mesquita Location: cabeça

Presenting Complaint -------------------- depressao cronica

- 27-novembro-2004 / 0:39:05
Name: Corina Feyer Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I had a serious car accident on September 24th and i had several fractures all over my body and brain injuries. I will be having an operation next week to fix one of my fractures. I wish to heal completely, physically and mentally; also, I wish not to have any sequels left from the accident. Thank you for your help. Corina Feyer

- 27-novembro-2004 / 0:32:19
Rei returned to the petsitters home on his own and is now safe at home. Thank you to each of you who sent him energy to keep him safe and guide him back. He is a very special little dog! I am so thankful he is safe. I am sending all of you love and light and asking the reiki energies and guides, to bless prosper and heal each one of you in all ways that your highest good be served.

Thank you again,


<"Michelle" <>>
- 27-novembro-2004 / 0:30:28

Name: vinny Location: loxahatchee, florida

Presenting Complaint -------------------- confusion, confusion really seems to be the key to my stress, not knowing what path in life to take and applying to the things in life i want the most. Im not even sure how to explain it or even if any of this makes any sense.

thank you for your time, vinny L. 18yr old LMT (just need to take national exam)

- 26-novembro-2004 / 4:02:19
Name: bryan Gan Location: singapore

Presenting Complaint -------------------- I have been suffering from very BAD sore throat, it is very painful and i am giving a laughter therapy workshop tomorrow.

I ask for reiki energy to heal my throat. I have been taking strong antibiotic

thank you very much

- 26-novembro-2004 / 4:01:15
Name: Per Evensen Location: Drammen, Norway

Presenting Complaint -------------------- Hello! I am a 47 year (today) old man struggling with Tinnitus, that is heavy noice/ringing in my ears/head. It does vary, but often it may be difficult to get a sleep. I know that someof the very few things that helps is healing. Could you please help me!

Best regards Per

- 26-novembro-2004 / 3:59:37
Solicitamos que seja incluída:

Rubia dos Santos 08/07/1974 São Paulo - SP

Motivo: problemas de adequação energética, após uma iniciação em Reiki.



<"holisticas" <>>
- 26-novembro-2004 / 3:58:33
Rei Austin, TX I have a little dog Rei. I found him, a very frightened stray about 2 weeks ago and he was just starting to feel safe and at home when I left for vacation a few days ago. I am with family hundreds of miles from home and I just got a call from my pet sitter that he had taken Rei to his home and Rei dug out from the fence. My pet sitter spant an hour looking for Rei and says he doesn't have any more time to spend looking. I am too far away to do anything. I ask that you please send energy to Little Rei to keep him safe and to help him get back to the pet sitter's house. Please ask his guides to help guide him home.

Thank you,


<"Michelle" <>>
- 26-novembro-2004 / 3:57:24
Boa tarde queridos amigos luzes,

Por favor, coloquem o nome de minha mãe em suas caixinhas.

Insuficiência renal, pedra na vísicula, muita dor de estomago, desanimo.

Claudete Nery Ferreira, nascida em setembro de 1941, São Paulo-SP

obrigada de coração


< "Elisa beth nfg" <>>
- 26-novembro-2004 / 3:56:12
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